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Android Projects

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ANDROID PROJECTS for FINAL YEAR offering final year Android MTech Projects

1.A Cocktail Approach for Travel Package Recommendation - 2023

2.A Comparative Study of Implementation Techniques for Query Processing in Multicore Systems - 2023

3.A Novel Economic Sharing Model in a Federation of Selfish Cloud Providers - 2023

4.Consensus-Based Ranking of Multivalued Objects A Generalized Borda Count Approach - 2023

5.Data Similarity-Aware Computation Infrastructure for the Cloud - 2023

6.Event Characterization and Prediction Based on Temporal Patterns in Dynamic Data System - 2023

7.NCCloud A Network-Coding-Based Storage System in a Cloud-of-Clouds - 2023

8.Price Competition in an Oligopoly Market with Multiple IaaS Cloud Providers - 2023

9.Privacy-Preserving Multi-Keyword Ranked Search over Encrypted Cloud Data - 2023

10.Supporting Privacy Protection in Personalized Web Search - 2023

11.A Fast Clustering-Based Feature Subset Selection Algorithm for High-Dimensional Data

12.A Survey of XML Tree Patterns

13.Distributed Web Systems Performance Forecasting Using Turning Bands Method

14.Evaluating Data Reliability An Evidential Answer with Application to a Web-Enabled Data Warehouse

15.Ranking on Data Manifold with Sink Points

16.Region-Based Foldings in Process Discovery

17.Scalable and Secure Sharing of Personal Health Records in Cloud Computing Using Attribute-Based Encryption

18.Security Analysis of a Single Sign-On Mechanism for Distributed Computer Networks

19.Target Tracking and Mobile Sensor Navigation in Wireless Sensor Networks

20.T-Drive Enhancing Driving Directions with Taxi Drivers’ Intelligence

21.Analysis of Distance-Based Location Management in Wireless Communication Networks

22.Anonymization of Centralized and Distributed Social Networks by Sequential Clustering

23.A Generalized Flow-Based Method for Analysis of Implicit Relationships on Wikipedia

24.A Scalable Server Architecture for Mobile Presence Services in Social Network Applications

25.AML Efficient Approximate Membership Localization within a Web-Based Join Framework

26.SSD A Robust RF Location Fingerprint Addressing Mobile Devices’ Heterogeneity

27.Toward Privacy Preserving and Collusion Resistance in a Location Proof Updating System

28.Discovery and Verification of Neighbor Positions in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

29.Finding Rare Classes Active Learning with Generative and Discriminative Models

30.Exploiting Ubiquitous Data Collection for Mobile Users in Wireless Sensor Networks

For MATLAB IEEE 2023-2024 Project Titles, Email to: [email protected]

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