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Computer Science Projects-Opencv Qt Creator-WEKA TOOL,JPCAP Projectsatbangalore, offers opencv qt creator to Mtech students
Cloud Computing
1. A Hybrid Cloud Approach for Secure Authorized Deduplication
2. A Novel Model for Competition and Cooperation Among Cloud Providers
3. A Scalable and Reliable Matching Service for Content-based Publish/Subscribe Systems
4. CLOUDQUAL: A Quality Model for Cloud Services
5. Decentralized Access Control with Anonymous Authentication of Data Stored in Clouds
6. Key-Aggregate Cryptosystem for Scalable Data Sharing in Cloud Storage
7. Oruta Privacy-Preserving Public Auditing for Shared Data in the Cloud
8. Performance and cost evaluation of adaptive encryption architecture for cloud databases
9.Supporting Privacy Protection in Personalized Web Search
10.Fast Nearest Neighbor Search with Keywords
11.Approximate Shortest Distance Computing: A Query-Dependent Local Landmark Scheme
12.LARS: An Efficient and Scalable Location-Aware Recommender System
13.Dynamic Query Forms for Database Queries
14.Privacy Preserving Delegated Access Control in Public Clouds
15.m-Privacy for Collaborative Data Publishing
16.Scalable Keyword Search on Large RDF Data
17.Secure Mining of Association Rules in Horizontally Distributed Databases
18.TrustedDB: A Trusted Hardware-Based Database with Privacy and Data Confidentiality
19.Designing an Efficient Image Encryption-Then-Compression System via Prediction Error Clustering and Random Permutation
20.Fingerprint Compression Based on Sparse Representation
21.Hierarchical Prediction and Context Adaptive Coding for Lossless Color Image Compression
22.Oruta: Privacy-Preserving Public Auditing for Shared Data in the Cloud
23.Key-Aggregate Cryptosystem for Scalable Data Sharing in Cloud Storage
24.Privacy Preserving Back-Propagation Neural Network Learning Made Practical with Cloud Computing
25.Secure Data Retrieval for Decentralized Disruption-Tolerant Military Networks
26.Incentive Based Data Sharing in Delay Tolerant Mobile Networks
27.Hiding in the Mobile Crowd: Location Privacy through Collaboration
28.Energy-Efficient Reliable Routing Considering Residual Energy in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
29.SocialTube: P2P-Assisted Video Sharing in Online Social Networks
30.Energy-optimum Throughput and Carrier Sensing Rate in CSMA-based Wireless Networks
31.Cooperative Caching for Efficient Data Access in Disruption Tolerant Networks
32.Privacy-Preserving and Truthful Detection of Packet Dropping Attacks in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
33.Distributed Resource Allocation for Multi-Cell Relay-Aided OFDMA Systems
34.Securing Broker-Less Publish/Subscribe Systems Using Identity-Based Encryption
35.Traffic pattern-based content leakage detection for trusted content delivery networks
36.A System for Denial-of-Service Attack Detection Based on Multivariate Correlation Analysis
37.Cross-Layer Approach for Minimizing Routing Disruption in IP Networks
38.Bandwidth Distributed Denial of Service: Attacks and Defenses
WEKA TOOL based projects
1. A Meta-Top-Down Method for Large-Scale Hierarchical Classification
2. A Supermodularity-Based Differential Privacy Preserving Algorithm for Data Anonymization
3. Accuracy-Constrained Privacy-Preserving Access Control Mechanism for Relational Data
4. Active Learning of Constraints for Semi-Supervised Clustering
5. Approximate Shortest Distance Computing: A Query-Dependent Local Landmark Scheme
6. Best Keyword Cover Search
7. Building Confidential and Efficient Query Services in the Cloud with RASP Data Perturbation
8. Capturing Telic/Atelic Temporal Data Semantics: Generalizing Conventional Conceptual Models
9. Dealing With Concept Drifts in Process Mining
10. Discovering Emerging Topics in Social Streams via Link Anomaly Detection
Projects at Bangalore offers Final Year students Engineering projects - ME projects,M.Tech projects in OpenCV Qt creator Projects,WEKA Data Mining Projects,JPCAP Based Projects etc