Mini Projects Based on Sensors
Projectsatbangalore,offers Mini projects for EEE and ECE Students
7. Train collision detection
8. Humidity monitoring and pumping system
9. Alcohol detection with vehicle controlling
10. Automated restaurant for efficient maintenance
12. Smoke alert system for industries
13. Intelligent guard alert system
14. Auto-image monitoring using CCTV camera
15. Path planning system for blind
16. Digital energy meter with auto limiting of load
17. Intelligent fire detection and fighting robot
18. Temperature level monitoring and automatic control in boiler
19. Self guided vehicle
20. Automated conveyor system
For 2024-2025 IEEE Mini projects Contact: 9591912372 Email to: [email protected]
Mini projects for ECE
1. Artificial intelligent solar power generation
2. A testing method for PIR detectors system
3. A mobile - agent based distributed intelligent control system architecture for
home automation
4. A multi agent multi sensor based security system for intelligent building
5. Industrial energy saver
Mini projects based on iot
6. A novel optimum point tracker of the solar cell power supply system7. Train collision detection
8. Humidity monitoring and pumping system
9. Alcohol detection with vehicle controlling
10. Automated restaurant for efficient maintenance
mini projects based on microcontroller
11. RF based human movement monitoring12. Smoke alert system for industries
13. Intelligent guard alert system
14. Auto-image monitoring using CCTV camera
15. Path planning system for blind
16. Digital energy meter with auto limiting of load
17. Intelligent fire detection and fighting robot
18. Temperature level monitoring and automatic control in boiler
19. Self guided vehicle
20. Automated conveyor system
For 2024-2025 IEEE Mini projects Contact: 9591912372 Email to: [email protected]
Projects at Bangalore offers Final Year students Engineering projects - ME projects,M.Tech projects,BE Projects,B.Tech Projects, Diploma Projects,Electronics Projects,ECE Projects,EEE Projects,Mechanical projects,Bio-Medical Projects,Telecommunication Projects,Instrumentation Projects,Software Projects - MCA Projects,M.Sc Projects,BCA Projects,B.Sc Projects,Science Exhibition Kits,Seminars,Presentations,Reports and so on...