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A Proposed Method In Image Steganography To Improve Image Quality With Lsb Technique matlab code, A Proposed Method In Image Steganography To Improve Image Quality With Lsb Technique pdf, A Proposed Method In Image Steganography To Improve Image Quality With Lsb Technique report, A Proposed Method In Image Steganography To Improve Image Quality With Lsb Technique ppt,

A Proposed Method In Image Steganography To Improve Image Quality With Lsb Technique

Abstract: Steganography is the art and science of invisible communication by hiding secret information into other sources of information like text, video, audio, image etc. In image steganography the digital image is used as cover image in which we hide data and the message implanted image is called stego-image. There are number of steganography techniques proposed to hide data like LSB, DCT, pixel-value differencing, DFT etc. into images with precision level. But these techniques suffering from some problems like less hiding capacity, degrade the quality of image and security of hidden data after hiding more data into it. To overcome these problems this paper proposed an improved LSB technique for color images by embedding the information into three planes of RGB image in a way that enhances the quality of image and achieves high embedding capacity. The PSNR value of the proposed technique is better than previous steganography methods.


A Proposed Method In Image Steganography To Improve Image Quality With Lsb Technique matlab code, A Proposed Method In Image Steganography To Improve Image Quality With Lsb Technique pdf, A Proposed Method In Image Steganography To Improve Image Quality With Lsb Technique report, A Proposed Method In Image Steganography To Improve Image Quality With Lsb Technique ppt,

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